Monday, November 10, 2008

It begins

So I am setting myself up for a long week. Jane is visiting my family
this week so I have decided it will be a great week to take advantage
of my standing permission to get lots of overtime. I am going to try
for 12+ hour days. I think I will be able to do it for a week, but I
am definitely going to need a weekend after this.

The extra money gained from so much overtime will be very helpful
though to get some more bills paid and get us closer to being out of
debt. It is always nice to be free of that, and have money going to
youself rather than to other people. It will be nice to get working on
savings again.

Super Guy
(on the move)


Mellissa said...

12+ hour work days? You have a kid - that is what every hour of the day is for parents.

superguy said...

I had those over the weekend just ask the lady that was bed ridden for two days. But this is staring at computer screens and reading medical nonsense that sometimes isn't even there... (mental disturbing to say the least)