Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Needing a Salesman

So I have been thinking again about what kind of job I would like to
be doing or the direction I would like to take. I did a special
project developing a spreadsheet for one of my previous bosses last
week and I go thinking about how fun that was.

I think a fun job would be a private consultant. Mostly I would
consult on technological matters, but could branch into other areas as
needed. As an example of what I mean I will use this spreadsheet

Let's say in my personal or work life I run into something that I
don't quite know how to do like make a spreadsheet to do some simple
accounting. If I have a lifeline I can call under these circumstances
to a person that can do it for me or can firfuee it out for me then
than would be a nice help. Similarly if I have a feeling that
something could be working more efficently, but I can't figure out
exactly how to accomplish it. I call in my consultant and he can help
get the job done.

I could work for multiple clients on a retainer basis so I would
always be on call an check in with my clients on a weekly basis.

What I really need is a salesperson to get me clients and this would
be a pretty cool system. Personal "tech support" as well as other
consulting support.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hour and a quarter

Almost done for the week. Strange day for tomorrow as I will be done
before I really get started, but I guess that is what happens when I
try a four day work week and miss slightly.

One thing that is nice about the short Friday is that I get out of the
house and get going but still have the day "off".


Super Guy
(on the move)

Gas leak fiasco

So the other day I am sitting in my office and my one of the other
phone on out system rings. Being curious as always and because
everyone else was out of the office at this point I checked the number
on our caller id. Is was a long string of ones and I wondered but
didn't tthink much of it.

Through the next few minutes and in fact throughout the rest of the
afternoon I was getting phone calls on my cell, email messages and
text messages announcing there was a gas leak just off university

The first phone call contained a list of buildings to be evacuated and
I wasn't really anywhere near those so I figured u would keep working
and not bother since my bus route wouldn't be affected or anything.

Another phone message came announcing the campus closure, but being
in the hospital is an interesting phenomenon since we aren't really in
the same rule set at main campus. I probably could have left and
wouldn't have ha to argue my point but I figured that I have to have
40 hours a week and why leave?

So long story made longer thanks for the worries or interest, but not
much to tell, although a guy I work with was in class at the time of
the closure and did decide to go home. He worked late yesterday to
make up for it. Too bad.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two days

I have used my early bus for the past 2 days and was actually able to
transition to the early train. Yesterday I have to run, but today it
was more of a leisurely stroll.

With this early bus and train and the later bus going home I am able
to get a ten hour day and a four day work week. The consistency is not
quite thee though and I will most likely end the week with a little
left time left over like last week.

Friday last week I had a two hour day so I rode in and did my time
before my coworkera even showed up. It was a little strange but a good
experience. It was nice because when I got off work I had most of the
day ahead of me and I was already awake and active, I hadn't been
vegetating at home. It gave me the desire and focus to stay out and
about for at least a little longer that day.

That is about it for now I guess.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cold and Wet

But going nonetheless.

It was snowing when I got up here and had to transfer to my train. One
thing about trying the earlier mornings is the transfer I have to make
while my regular route takes me straight to work.

Luckily I had my beanie that was very helpful. I guess I will see if
anything comes up this week I only worked a couple of hours on Friday
so there is a good chance I will have more than a couple of emails
when I get to my desk.

All in all things are pretty good.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fun Stuff

Yesterday I got to watch a presentaion by Apple about new software
they are going to release for iPhone and iPod touch. They have some
really neat features they are adding and the iPhone is getting neater
and neater. The presentaion also got me wanting to come up with some
cool program that I could make and try to get on the map.

If anybody has good ideas foe games or programs that would be nice to
have with you let's say in your cellphone let me know and maybe one of
the ideas would get me started.

I have been heading to work early this week and didn't wake up
properly this morning so I am on a bus I wouldn't normally take, but
gets me there anyway with one transfer. With the early mornings I can
shave some time off for later in the week and tomorrow should be a
very shortened day.

What else? No idea.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Worn out

Well I got quite a bit done today and was very focused through the
whole of it. It was taxing, but felt good. It is also a nice day out
so things aren't too bad. I get to go home and watch Psych tonight so
that will be fun as well.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, March 16, 2009


Maybe just maybe we are going to get spring after all. I walked out to
catch my bus without my sweater so that was just peachy today. One day
of the week is down and I am glad. It has been a nice day today overall.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Night deepens
Silence reigns
Darkness abounds
Cold goes forth abroad

Waiting, wondering, praying
A glimmer of hope
Beginning to brighten
No sun, no stars, yet light

A special time
A dawnless dawn
Slowly life awakes
The still before the day

Morning breaks
Shadows flee
A new day
The sun breaks forth

Peace may fade
It often does
But it will come again

A time of thought
A time of peace
Hope will find it's home
A special time
A special place
The dawn before the dawn

Super Guy
(on the move)

3 weeks

That is what I have ahead of me until several things happen. I'll have
a mission reunion so that will be fun. I will get to try a new bus
route that actually runs straight from Eagle Mountain, I might even be
able to walk to the bus stop if I really want to. We will complete 1
year of living in our own house with all the interesting problems that
presents. Last but far from least Jane will be able to go to the

Before the three weeks are up I need to get back on my feet a bit
luckily our car is fixed now and we are only looking at one annoying
problem I have been putting off, our suspected leak. It is obnoxious
living in a place where your house problems can manifest themselves in
someone else house the question becomes how do you coordinate who does
what in dealing with the problem etc.

All in all, the best I can do is pray for this coming year to be
better than the last and maybe in 3 weeks more of the path can start
angling upwards.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do anything

Freed from self imposed restrictions.
Your mind allowed to dream.
"Absurd" ideas are seen at last
And given the chance to roam

Though it is not clear to walk
And they may not be achieved
Yet hope and dreams will free your heart
Give you something, to believe

Daring to hope, daring to dream
You may yet find your peace
A path to go, a difference to make
Wait for it, work for it, find it at last

Super Guy
(on the move)


Sometimes it is hard to be around "successful" people. I have always
had difficulty with seeing others success and wondering when and if I
might find my success.

Success can mean different things to different people, but everyone
would most likely agree that they would like to be successful in some
form. I think one of my difficulties is that many of the people I know
are in very different worlds than mr and when I look out of mine I
wonder why it couldn't be more like the way I perceive theirs. Maybe
it is just my perception as well.

The hardest comparisons I subject myself to is when I look at people
older than me. There is a serious problem in the logic because I can't
see them in the "future" by at least a few years and wish I could be
there. I acknowledge that I am a few years behind, but since I can't
see my future in the slightest it still makes it hard.

I don't even know what my success would be, maybe I even am
"successful" in a way, but it doesn't feel like it. When life can be
summarized as "the daily grind" I have to think there should be
something more, if not now than at least hope for the future, I just
can't see it though.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I really don't have a much in mind to say, but things often come when
I start. Work isn't too bad since last Thursday. We had a meeting and
I was given an assignment that is going well and things are looking
brighter for the future.

The sunlight used to be coming over the mountain by the time I got to
work, not so anymore with the time change too bad. Mom has been up for
a few days it has been nice to have a visitor, we don't get many.

Pi day is Saturday, I will need to either get or bake a pie to
celebrate. I still have tons of pumpkin in the cupboard so that would
work. We just need to decide if there is anyone else we could invite
to join us.

Netflix has been neat the last week or so as I have watched a lot of
Dr.Who both online and by getting the DVDs. I've watched other shows
as well, yesterday we watched "The Shadow". That was kind of fun.

I am almost to work now, it would be nice if it could go as smoothly
as yesterday, in the end it was strange it was already 4 o'clock when
nothing had seemed to happen all day. Usually we have days with lots
of ups and downs, but yesterday was pretty calm peaceful actually.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, March 09, 2009

Officially unofficial

So I am supposed to be managing overtime now as it was sort of, kind
of said that we are not supposed to be getting it anymore. So I am
trying an experiment today taking a later bus and seeing how that
works with clocking in and out with my usual afternoon bus.

Of course the bus was late so I don't know how reliable the numbers
will be, but stuff happens. In April I will have another bus option
out in Eagle Mountain and we will see how helpful that can be. I am
also still entertaining the dream of a four day work week. Nothing is
solid in any way, what can you do?

My month of being alone ended of Friday evening when my mom brought
Jane and Gwen home. It is going to be a little bit of a transition
week to get back in the groove with other people in the house again,
but it has been a lot of fun.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Home again, home again

Been working late a couple of days. Get to go home to my cold house
now. We will see what the rest of the week brings. Sleep hopefully.

Super Guy
(on the move)



Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, March 02, 2009


Well I have the car back, but it is far from wonderful it still has
some shakes. I am hoping that it is something simple like the oil. I
think I am going to get it home and leave it there for awhile since I
am not going to have much time this week with my planned schedule.

I am going to be working late most of the days this week and probably
wouldn't be a ble to take the car to get the oil changed etc.

Well we will see.

I got Jane's Little Big Planet levels published we will see what
people think of them. The third on might be a little rough, but they
are fun.

I've run aground hagoda.

Super Guy
(on the move)