Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I had a pretty good day at work today although I felt like I was not
quite with it in a meeting that I attended. Lots of stuff seems to be
going on that I still don't quite follow and my goodness medical
information is extremely dry for looking at. Gross is an interesting
word though when you see a test that talks about some organ being
grossly (insert your own adjective) it is at least a little funny.

I got a good laugh out of one of those earlier an another good laugh
out of a song on my Internet radio station called "Ikea" aptly named
after the furniture store that it features.

Work isn't too bad overall, but there is tons more left to learn and I
have to keep trying to absorb what I can.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Another day another dollar

Actually lots of dollars. I put in extra hours today and will be doing
so for at least a few weeks. I have tons of room for overtime I was
hired with the understanding that it would be expected for at least
awhile. So I am taking full advantage of overtime opportunities to get
us more solidly back on our feet. We might even be able to have a few
Christmas present this year once we clean up our finances a bit.

Once I got past the time I usually leave it wasn't all that bad
although getting there was a little rough being ready to give up on my
plan to stay late and just take off for home. It won't be easy to work
12 hour days, but it will definitely pay off.

I had a network connection at my Trax station by the hospital when I
started this entry now I get to wait until I get downtown to post it.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Friday, September 26, 2008


Here I am, at the end of my first week of work and gladly I got
through pretty well. The last hour or so today I was burning out
though because I am really starting the more in depth stuff now and it
is a big collection of stuuf to face.

I think after some rest this weekend I should be able to face some
more mental overload as I learn more stuff that is utterly new and
somewhat overwhelming.

It is always amazing to me that although I have learned so much and
absorbed so much information that I can still learn new things like I
have had to do this week. I'm glad I can leave work at work and come
back later because quite a few things seem to be looming just over the
horizon with all of this.

Just have to take it one day at a time and keep pretending I know what
I am talking about, and no one will know the difference. That has
often been the ability that I would consider my ace in the hole.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Work work work

I am going to b spending lots of time at work over the next few weeks/
months. I have a lot of opportunity for overtime and it will be
helpful to pay off some bills and replenish our savings a bit. It
looks like a lot of what my job is about is collecting information
from patient files and entering the info into two databases and
filling out forms and things. Should be interesting and I am going to
learn a little about some cancers as well. The first day went well and
it is pretty neat that I get my own office. I can't wait to put up
abfew personal touches. Well bye for now.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, September 22, 2008


I got through orientation so tomorrow I start my real job. I am a
little apprehensive, just because there will be a lot to learn as I
get started and it has been awhile since I really started something
new, my last job foe example wasn't extremely foreign and I came in
with more knowledge than several of the people I was working with.
This is completely different because it is nearly all unknown
territory. New info, new duties, new people, it should be great though
and I am happy for a challenge despite the worries.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho

Here I sit on my fancy bus that will take me merrily to work. I have
an Internet connection and I was lucky enough to get a seat today.
Tomorrow I am going to try the earlier bus and see if it is less
crowded. It was really cold at the bus stop this morning with some
nasty windchill. I have orientation today and hopefully can make it up
to the hospital to get my id badge as well. I may get back in the
habit of writing yet if I can get my Internet in the mornings and
occasionaly in the afternoon too I hope.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Good blogs

I find myself wondering more and more lately what makes a blog a good blog versus what makes a blog like mine... I have two sisters-in-law that write fun and interesting blog entries that I find myself reading as soon as I catch them on my feed reader and they seem to be so fun and enjoyable to read and then I think "I wish I could write like that", but of course if you have read through this blog you might find feeling is not terribly present...

Although I am not the greatest writer in the world I think I might have difficulty letting go of the fact that one of the best ways to write is through disassociation taking myself out of the world and really just writing for myself. I think I have wanted some feeling that this means something to someone else rather that worrying about what it means to me... Maybe I will give that a try really being me and not worrying through the choice of every word analyzing and reanalyzing everything I say until I think I have the responses figured out. I often take much more time thinking of what to say than the time I take to actually come out and say it, maybe that is a trait I have to face down to uncover the real me and see if he is someone worth getting to know.

Some people have some idea of who I am, but sometimes I wonder if I haven't locked myself down so much that I am not even sure of who I am. To much calculation in socializing has created a separate surreal world that I am just trying to make sense of and bring back to reality. I have created multiple layers of socializing and sometimes create new character profiles and traits for every person I interact with, going from one person to another sometimes seems like an all out switch of who I am and not really understanding where the acting ends and the real me begins creates a mess of my head when I start trying to think it out.

The mess is evidenced by this post...

Good Luck understanding any of this

Monday, September 15, 2008


Quickly... I have a job offer from the *removed for annoynmity* !!!
Thanks for everyones support. Love you all later.

Super Guy
(on the move)


Well hoping to get a job this week. Any prayers are more than welcome
I had a good interview with the *edited for annonymity* in a position
that I would love to have. Jane and Gwen have been in Cedar for a
couple of weeks while I am trying to get us back on our feet. It was a
beautiful morning this morning with a pretty sky and a great moon.
Well I hope you will look past the informality in this post, not
bothering with being picky about my words. Thanks for all your support.

Super Guy
(on the move)