Friday, October 31, 2008

Migraine aftermath

Well I almost took a sick day today, but I am going to go to work and
chance the consequences. I went to bed with a bad migraine and woke up
better like usual, but would have liked some extra sleep. I am going a
little later today so I did get some extra rest so all in all I should
be ok though not the greatest.

Happy Halloween!! (by the way) it hasn't been a big deal for me
lately and we might be the house that the people aren't home tonight
if we can find somewhere else to go. Yeah I know we are terrible, but
sometimes that happens.

Forecast for right now in Lehi Utah cold and cloudy.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stuff and things

It's pretty cool this morning and I am a little tired. Orion is out he
is a good friend of mine, we go way back. Here comes my bus.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Horrendously long

Sorry about some of the long posts especially yesterday with my out
and out rambling. (this sorry is issued to anyone unfortunate enough
to have bothered reading my blog including myself)

Mainly yesterday I had to express the "funness" that is popcorn being
whole wheat. The "weirdness" that I feel seeing 2003 and almost
wondering "did the hospital even have computer records waaay back
then". The "annoyingness" of bad bus management, and the "coolness" of
playing with light by reflecting it off my iPod that can double as a
pretty good mirror.

That was the gist of it and I guess not really reading over the post
before I post it can give some over the top stuff.


Super Guy
(on the move)


Well I got to my bus stop this morning and as I was getting out of my
car realized ""I don't have my badge". Elaboration: my idea badge
should have been on my sweater collar it was however not there but
rather at home.

The irony of this is that I actually got out of the house really well
this morning and was ready to be on my way totally on time for my bus
and yet no badge. You might wonder "did your badge matter so much
couldn't you get by for one day without it?" The answer probably if it
weren't for the fact that it also has my Bus Pass!

(I am not a strong proponent for the use of exclamation points, but I
had to attempt something since I don't gave the freedom of comedic
timing in writing. )

Yes friends there were at least two potential problems that sent me
home to get my badge. Luckily when I go back over a half an hour later
the second bus was late so I am not going to have a multiple vehicle
morning (beyond mine and the one bus).

On a lighter note. Hagoda

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whole grain time dilated light experimentaion

That is a mouthful and also a good title for a killer bunnies card it
also contains three subjects that you will have to endure if you keep

Whole grain is a very important item for a good diet and since I have
been looking at ways to be more healthy with my practices I have tried
to find good foods to eat. I never thought of popcorn as a healthy
treat, but it is a whole grain and if you prepare it right can be a
good item for getting good grains into your diet who would has guessed
with the notorious image of movie popcorn covered in butter although
that will always be one of the tastiest ways you can have it.

Staring at a computer screen all day at what's more programs that look
like could have existed in the original windows days can do funny
things to your perception of time. One program is even fully text
based only keyboard allowed.

Honestly does anyone else feel like 2003 might as well have been the
90's or even the 80's. I get to the point of needing to look up a
record for a patient in 2003, 2004, or even 2005 and I feel like it
won't even be in the computer. It is like a time vortex in my office
robs me of all the technological advancement of the past 15+ years
even though I am listening to Internet radio and have an awesome iPod
in my pocket. I hardly mess with computer stuff at home lately and
that probably contributes as well.

Side track... My bus is totally missing today never came and I have
been waiting 30 minutes 10 more to go until the second bus shows up.
Weird and lame. In fact very lame I called UTA and they said "oh that
bus had a mechanical problem off I-15 you probably aren't going to see
that bus". Which says to me "Wasting 40 minutes of your time is no
sweat off our backs" they could have done something, but that would be
good business we couldn't have that could we. Arrrrrgh

Ok back to the pertinent topics of this post.

While waiting for the bus I played with my super tech nerd mirror
(also called an iPod touch) and saw that it makes a good signal
mirror. While seeing how far off I could see the reflected light I
came across a great demonstration of light absorbtion. I could see the
light on the Trax train across the street,but not on the black
portions. Best I can tell the fact that the beam was weakened by the
imperfect reflection made the absorbtion more apparentso that although
black absorbs light it isn't going to get all of it if you use a
flashlight for example, but a diffuse source like my iPod set up a
good show for absorbtion.

Sorry if I lost you on that last one it is better if you see it.

I might get to stand up for my ride to be a gentleman so I will sign


Super Guy
(on the move)


In response to a comment stating that I ride "public" transportation I would like to say that it is true that being kind hearted and ecologically minded I do share my chauffer with a few select people, but I would not consider it "public". :D

Sorry couldn't resist. I counted last night and it looks like the busses I ride have seating for about 60 people however we seldom fill up the seats on the early bus and a few are taken down to fit a power chair in for one of our passengers.

These busses are pretty nice though they are similar to tour busses in how the seats are set up and how obnoxiously little the seats recline. I miss bus trips I hit a sentimental point in my thoughts sorry just a lot of good memories and times like they won't probably ever be again.

On a lighter note these busses and bus riding in general has been a fun experience it helps me feel like I am in some kind of big city while still living in the middle of nowhere. Well not the middle of nowhere Beryl was the middle of nowhere and at least we could get a tv signal out there. :D

I also like to remember all of the crazy bus jumping in Uruguay or taking busses for my transfers. They had some cool busses down there with nice recline and different types of foot rest possibilities. I had a couple of nice busses, but never did get to go on the infamous "coche cama" or "super cama" I think the first name was a type of bus and the second was a specific service if that is the case my best bus may have been the first, which means "bed bus" and the second "super bed" I know I never went on, it was an amazing aight to see though. Beautiful doubledecker touring bus that apparently the seats almost fully reclined giving you a bed to sleep from Rivera to Montevideo overnight.

I guess one last interesting thing about busses in Uruguay was the use of them to send mail. You could go to a courier company that worked with the bus companies or to the company itself and send a package from one city to another an they made use of the extra dead empty storage space to get the package in and on it's way. Awesome strategy and unique to locations with better mass transit than our good USA.

We live in an amazing world with all the different people and different ways of life. The United states is such a large country geographically compared to places like Uruguay and many European countries, when we think of taking a trip it might mean as far as Maine and we would still be in our county, but in Uruguay the farthest we would go was similar to a trip from Moab to Logan if even that far. It never ceases to intrigue me how geography makes such a huge difference in how we live.

Those are at least some of my thoughts for the day. Hagoda

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Still alive

And only a little worse for wear. Once again we present ourselves at the cusp of the old and new weeks, and wonder...

What I do before I was bringing the DS with me every day? I guess I poked around on my iPod and wrote lame blog posts so surprise I'm back. The ride up here goes pretty quick no matter what I am doing though it is a welcome situation to have my own chauffer I would never had guessed that I could afford such a luxury at this point in my life, but it is just one of the great benefits that comes with my job. The University of Utah treats it's employees very well.

I haven't been able to think much about fixing our bathtub last week, but since we stopped using it the problems have stopped getting worse so we have confirmed the probl spot which is nice to know.

Gwen is the a super cutie this weekend Jane was having some rough times and got tearu and Gwen came over "ss okay, ss okay" as she hugged the momma and/or gave her loving pays on the leg or on the back. It is hard to get upset with a sweetie like that and I am glad Jane is in good hands when I leave for the day.

Well "Jeeves" is about to let me off.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nothing New

I am drawing a blank today just glad it is Thursday and I got paid
yesterday. And it is really cold out here brrrrr.
Hagoda all

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well I talked to my downstairs neighbor again last night. It seems the leaking gets worse when somone uses the bath in the evenings. So we are pretty sure it is our bathtub that is the problem. I think I have decided after thinking it over and sleeping on it that I am going to have a go at fixing the problem. I first have to get the bathtub up then go from there. If anyone knows how to pull off wall panels feel free to let me know otherwise I am going to do some information searching and go from there.

Have fun everyone

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Waiting for the bus

This is turning out to be a great time to write blog posts as I wait
for my bus. She is earlier today. So that is as far as I got before
she got here.

Tomorrow is payday so that is exciting it will put me headed in the
direction of getting out of debt and on the way to a somewhat more
solid financial situation.

I forgot my phone today so I am not going to get any random text
messages from jane so that is a little disappointing. I really don't
have any coherent topic for right now so I will go and simply say

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, October 20, 2008

So it was late

Usual bus driver and too early to be the late bus so interesting she seems to be having a fun morning and to think I didn't have to rush to the stop afterall, but I wrote my posts so that is nice.

Super Guy
(on the move)

I'm back

Well I still have the ds for a few more days, but I decided I needed to get at least one post since I had a good flow going and I didn't want to lose that.

We had a pretty good weekend Gwen was super cute, but had a few rough moments. She decided on more than one occasion that she wanted to watch a particular "shew", and would pull it off the bookcase and give it to me.

Apparently I missed my bus or it is really late today. I guess I will hang out and catch the next one. It is sad because at most I missed it by a minute or two. Or it is late... Weird morning

I get a nice check this week that should help us get on the way out of our debt (excluding home loan) and on to greener pastures (or back in black as it may be). Good luck and hagoda.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day off

Everybody gets the day off I stole Jane's DS for the day.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yay for staff meetings

I am giving this title to this post quick before our meeting. Now
after the meeting I echo my sentiments yay for saff meetings.

We could definitely use some training on how to have an effective
meeting. We got through about half of the agenda in a half hour then
we flatlined for the rest of the hour on one topic. I had to leave
before the meeting was over to catch my bus which I didn't want to do,
but I also wasn't going to miss my bus and have to come up with some
sort of other transport plan on a momentes notice.

That was the second meeting that ran over an hour this week yesterdays
at least got cut off and I think we covered the agenda but suffering
today and maybe next week I will plan for a later evening. Who knows
how long they are planning to take for these things.

I am getting things done at work though so that is a nice thing. I am
even starting to get a little bit of a routine to my life and
hopefully can keep leveling out over the next month or so. I need to
stabilize things and hopefully I will make it. Jane saw a leak of some
sort under our sink so our plumbing is all sorts of nice. That one
should be relatively easy to fix, at least I can see the pipes.

That is my fun report for now and I just get to ride to my car then
drive home and see what happens with my night. ((I can never know for
Super Guy
(on the move)

Quiet Morning

I caught my bus just right today despite a slow start. It is unusually quiet since I don't have my radio, but it is a welcome quiet. Apple released some new MacBooks yesterday that are really neat with several great upgrades from the previous models bringing them to a more uniform presence in their laptop line.

I am glad that I am not in the market foe a laptop or they might be
more tempting than they are. I still have my laptop, but don't use it outside the house often because I get by for the most part on my iPod and work computer. Some of my main uses for my laptop previously were to have something I could use at home and transfer to school and sometimes to work. I have used it extensively for my email and chat systems, but now I can use my iPod to some extent for that type of thing and it fits in my pocket.

Just an interesting place I find myself in. I always thought a laptop was cool, and sort of a status symbol now it is this little hunk of metal glass and stuff that more than suffices. It is also a little interesting to have a job that doesn't seem like it would benefit all that much from laptop access although I could probably find a use for it if I wanted to lug it around which I don't.

I think I might sit back and pretend to sleep now.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Random" thoughts

I use the quotation marks because of a lecture I read about human
ability to perform randomly.

So with my thoughts. I am riding this bus now that goes all the way to
Provo, and I have thought at least once before that (not at this time
of night) I could just keep going until I got to Orem and go grab a
Kreme donut then get back on the other direction to go home. It would
take quite a bit of time, but I could get a free donut if I went at
the right time. Maybe if Jane leaves town again sometime I would go on
weird excursions to keep myself busy. I like using mass transit after
some exposure to it in Uruguay I became accostumed (no idea about
spelling on that one) to not have to drive sometimes I miss that type
of travel.

Gotta run
Super Guy
(on the move)

This Morning

Well I had a rough start to my morning and wrote what started as a
blog post then got somewhat out of hand so that I know I would've
gotten commentary on a moot point.

Work was pretty good today I stayed late so I am in the process of
traveling to the end of the line so I can catch my bus to Lehi. I am
on an annomalous bus right now that goes only halfway there then I
will get down and jump on another train.

That was interesting a somewhat drunk guy decided to talk to me from
across the aisle and a seat or two up. Told about his brother that
converts Mormons to a non-religion and that income taxes are not
required by law.
I decided to get off the train in hopes of quieting him for the other
people, but I don't think it will have much if any effect.

Now I don't even know what else to say that was pretty interesting.
Maybe I will come up with something more by the end of the line. Nope
the guy drained my brain it seems.

Other than one thing I guess and that is that I forgot my radio and
headphones at work which is a sad state of affair since it means that
I don't get to listen to the NightSide Project until I get to my car.
I I would have at least had my headphones I could have used my iPod to
listen, but no luck. I might have to steal Jane's headphones for the
morning commute.

So now that I got one thing out I might have some things left to say
after all for which I will make another post.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hands in the Pot

Well I think I have gotten past the housing thing, but maybe I should
explain why this is a neat thing for those that do qualify. I
addressed an immediate concern in a comment, but I just thought I
should explain a little more.

We currently pay what is called mortgage insurance as do most if not
all people that buy a house with les than 20% down. This insurance
does absolutely nothing for the home buyer it is insurance for the
lender to get their money back if you fail to pay. So in effect you
are paying into nothing. This insurance is released when you pay your
loan down below 80% of the appraised value.

So one of the advatages to the credit is that it might get you out of
the insurance hole and dropping money into something that doesn't
benefit you at all. Another major point of consideration is the
interest savings by going with zero interest on $7500 rather than
let's say 6% interest. Per year that 6% ammounts to $450 which is
almost enough to pay the stimulus payment each year and instead of
paying into nothing (interest) and instaed into your loan and your home.

Concerning the title of my post one disadvantage to this route is that
there are more people to deal with and the government has their hands
in the pot but that can be lessen by putting the savings right back to
than as soon as possible even though applying savings to your actual
loan could lead to even more savings. Just some thoughts, but I
understand apprehension with more people involved in a sensitive

Gotta run
Super Guy
(on the move)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Housing Stimulus

Here is a link to an informational site about the house purchase credit. An a more formal site that has information on this and other provisions made by the government for home owners this year. It seems that these were part of the economic stimulus plan passed earlier this year. This happened after we purchased our house, so maybe that is why it didn't go before April 9th you say.

Wrong again you just aren't doing that well today. Inexplicably the bill was first passed July 23, 2008 so why start April 9th? I assume there were tax considerations involved, but I feel more than a little cheated that this credit is post dated, but in such a strange fashion that excludes people before a relatively random date. I might have to research this and write a confused "What the heck were you thinking" letter to someone involved, maybe the president himself...

Money stinks

That almost says it all. I found out yesterday that there is a $7,500
tax credit for first time homebuyers during 2008. It looks like it is
intended to be paid back, but is interest free so congrats on that
neat assistance to the Ben and family.

Some might wonder at my sentence there and think, but what about you?
What about me that is a good question. Is it because you have a condo?
Nope. Because you make too much money? Ha ha ha. Because you bought
your house a week and a half too early to qualify? Ding ding ding
congratulations you win the random date effective point prize of

So my initiative disqualified us. April 9th not a terribly special
day, but the one they chose. Not that we needed the money it just
would have been helpful in getting us lower on our principal and get
us down faster to the point where we would be off the mortgage

Well I should get working now that I am at work sorry for the spouting

Super Guy
(on the move)


So yesterday was interesting to say the least. I had a mental
breakdown at work I think, and hope, that it was because I didn't get
enough sleep the night before. There is plenty of room for improvement
in the organization of my department and the clarity of what my job
really is.

It got better in the afternoon when I was able to do something that I
understand at least a little. I needed some sort of structure to keep
going forward and what I was trying to do in the morning was not
working that way.

This job is not easy by any means, but hopefully we can make it better
than it is. I really want to help it be organized so the next person
that might come in would be able to follow some sort of structure. The
program is still in it's infancy it seems and seems to be about as
organized as an infant at times.

One thing that would be really nice is if someone really knew the job
I am supposed to do. My "trainer" hasn't really even been trained. She
basically taught herself the job and for some types of jobs that might
work, but for a highly detailed job like ours without someone to back
you up and really train you there is a tendency to miss something or
just plain not understand.

I am thinking I might need to just get to the point that hopefully I
will understand it enough to leave some info behind and structure as

Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, October 09, 2008


So apparently my iPod can only show 9 pages of applications then it
gives up and doesn't let me see or access the other applications I hve

This is really obnoxious, but I will just have to get working on
weeding out programs that I don't want/need to keep. Well yippee.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Pretty quick

So the I-215 trip up to foothill blvd flew right by. I guess I was
lost in sending an email reply. I got to bed way late this morning so
that should make for an interesting afternoon later today. I don't
think I have much to say so, later!

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

What Next

Does anyone know how I can get the past 8 months of my life back? I
think practically every decision I have made this year has utterly
failed. I will absolutely never own a living space above or below
another person side by side maybe, but never in a position where water
could be leaking from my home and damaging someone elses.

I can't take the consistent failure of decisions it is so overwhelming
that in the middle of some progress things just fall apart. That is
the story of 2008 for me.

"I could try this" *failure* repeat.

Well, I guess we will see what a contractor says and I will just have
to deal with what happens yippee. Maybe I will start living at the
hospital so I can get in more overtime to pay for the next inevitable
failure, in addition to this one.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


My blog will be graced with at least two posts this morning. As I sent
off the email that was to be converted to another post this morning I
caught at least one spelling error that should not have been there
mornig!=morning (for lack of symbols I am using a programming term !=
means "not equal to" in some programming).

I decided because of that error and my other enjoyable experiences of
the morning I would post about techlems.

Technology: >1 wire
Problem: That which provokes
Many wires coming together to incite frustration, anger, or pretty
much any negative emotion you think of.

Examples: (entirely ficticious any resemblance to real persons or
events is unintentional)
The software techlem led me to worry about receiving my paycheck
Techlems involving the Internet are widespread not the least of which
slow communication has cause many detrimental effects.
One techlam faced in uaing mobile devices to type is the inadbertent
misspelling of worfs due to small burtons and large finfers.

So the next time you approach some with more than one wire beware the
réclame that await. In fact...



Super Guy
(on the move)


It is very bothersome when being about 5 minutes late can make you 30
minutes late for work, but that is part of the territory with mass
transit I guess I still don't appreciate.

I stopped this morning to check that my first pay check had gone
through and got waylaid as I found that the $20 deposit meant for
Jane's account was going into my acount and the remaining money was
not showing up on either. So I went to the payroll website where I set
up my direct deposit accounts and fin that in trying to fix some
problems with the direct deposit a couple of weeks ago I had
inadvertently put my account in twice with the $20 deposit first.

I now have a sneaking suspicion that the payroll software in charge of
direct deposit is going to have an error and create a big problem for
my pocketbook. Hopefully it will be cleared up by the end of the day
or by the time the actual workday starts.

I just wish the internet hadn't been dragging so bad because I finally
got done with that late with little hope of catching my bus, then to
add insult to injury I ran out the door without my keys and had to
knock and finally call Jane so she could let me back in.

Bothersome mornig and very anger inducing, but I think I have cooled
off a lot better now. (Sitting on a metal bus stop bench this early in
the morning can really freeze your behind)

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Hagoda and friends

Well I don't know why I have never taken a chance with using my blog
to spread my abbreviated greetings, but better late than never.

As a bit of history I think this stems from a realization on my
mission that English greetings are somewhat drab and hard to get out
quickly. Spanish was quite a bit smoother in that regard. I don't
claim that my system is any easier to roll off the tongue, but I think
it is a fun system to employ and I have thought it would be fun if it
spread and even become a fad.

I first employed my abbreviations while instant messaging with a
friend. I wanted to be able to sign off when I was leaving but wanted
something better than "bye" or have to type out "good night" or
something similar.

So is born the first incarnation Hagoda ( Have A GOod DAy) simple and
functional with other incarnations such as Hagoni and less used
versions Hagoev, Hagomo, and Hagoaf. Great stuff and simple to use
once you get used to them.

Hagoev everyone

Super Guy
(on the move)