Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Number 100

So I am hitting my 100th blog post on this blog and I'm not going to
try and do anything special so sorry.

I will tell a neat experience I had today though. A guy I work with
asked if I could get him a Book of Mormon, we have been having some
conversations about beliefs and things, and he was baptized into the
church quite awhile back and thought it might be a good study to do

I brought an extra book with me today and wrote a note to him on some
printer paper I grabbed on the way out of the house. The most
interesting part of the experience today was his reaction to the
handwritten note. I didn't think anything of it, but he was genuinely
impressed to receive something handwritten.

That makes me wonder about what kind of legacy we might be on the
verge of leaving. I know that the most handwriting I typically do
these days are notes and brainstorming activities. The personal nature
of handwriting and the evodence of a person behind the writing may be
"on the way out" to some degree, but I think it has inspired me to do
more writing and possibly take up a handwritten journal again.
Wouldn't a journal be more precious to children if the ink was placed
by our hand. I am often quite pratical, but this seems beyond
practicality. Strange what I can learn while writing. (this blog post)

Super Guy
(on the move)

At Work

I didn't get to my post this morning so to make sure I keep my record going I wanted to post a lunch log. I am happier right now than when I started this morning. I had a patient with easy information so it got me going a lot better than I have been lately. This has been a rough week, waiting for the weekend I guess. Well I won't be worrying about black Friday now since I have spent all of my free spending money. Thankfully I don't have money to spend so I won't have to even think about it. Gwen is a super cutey yesterday we were wandering IKEA and by the cash registers she spotted a polar bear stuffed animal and went crazy. Holding him she put him like he was walking on the ground and her dad melted and let her get him. She sure does like bears and white/black are her favorite stuffed animal colors right now.

Jane made some pumpkin cake earlier this week that was ok warm, but wonderful cold,(don't ask me I like my pumpkin treats cold apparently). I had some with icecream last night and almost went back for seconds. It has a crust of sorts that is crunchy in just the right way for ice cream. I am trying to get a little more organized with things lately, but this week has been over the edge and I will most likely have to try again on a more stable week. I can't quite keep track of all that is going on day to day. I have a special project I am excited to start for myself and a group of friends. Well, I think I hit my stride have a nice afternoon.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bane of my existence

Black Friday is pushing my buttons this year. I really don't have much
money to spend or needs to spend it on so I have made a bad decision
to even look at the ads, because seeing the crazy prices on cool stuff
makes me want to go buy stuff even if it would end up in my
pile'o'stuff. Projector (don't know how good) $99 huge hard drives
cheap, tv deals, cameras/camcorders, computer monitors (very tempting
to one up my current awesome set up.

I need to leave really quick here but that is most of it.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Daily "Needs"

I figure this is as good a place as any to make this list since it
will make me feel more commited to following through with gaining a
"needs" perspective.

Shelter (including utilities)
2-3 Meals
Activity for bus ride
Occupation (career/job)
Vehicle (maintenance and fuel too)
Time with family
Insurance (this is not a daily thought, but luckily it doesn't need to

I guess that is about it, I will add acouple of extra want/needs.

Some entertainment, books, movies, games. Internet is helpful.

Now what I want to do with this list is evaluate my purchases and time
alotment in terms of these things.

Super Guy
(on the move)

New week

We had a really good lesson in priesthood yesterday based on a
conference talk given by Elder Perry. He talks about simplifying our
lives. I reccommend it to everyone with the invitationnto discuss it
as a family and pray to find ways to apply simplification by
eliminating unneccesary things and refocusing time to better pursuits.

We seems to have upside down perspectives in life when it come to
priorities of living. One example is the amount of money in our
society applied to "entertainment" sports, movies, tv, and one I find
evaluating in my life , games (video games more than others, but all
could use a look).

Well, I am trying some things differently this week to use my time
better and I think it will be a good opportunity.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Friday, November 21, 2008


I finally remembered and kept in my head that I have the lesson in
priesthood on Sunday so I am going to work on that this morning. Go
amuse yourselves.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Looking up?

Well there is something worthwhile for the week. My neighbor talked to
me about the leak and it looks like it has dried up since we stopped
using our tub now I just need to do it and he will go ahead and fix
his wall then we are done. Luckily I am just going to have to deal
with my tub not his wall since he can and will do that himself.

I am thrashed so I am going to rest now so I have some energy when I
get home.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Lucky Moron

So I actually got to eat breakfast this morning, but distracted myself
enough to forget my bus pass again. So iwas a moron and had to go back
after I got to my stop. The lucky part was that I caught the next bus
even though I was late. I am a little frustrated still, but it is
wearing off. I will be glad when this week is over it hasn't been
going all that well.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank you to Mellissa for tagging me with a Kreativ Blogger award I am afraid I am not very good at being someone to participate in what they call the meme portion of the award and such. So I won't claim the prize as such, but I will do at least a first entry for each of the listed categories.

7 things I've done before
1. I've gone to Uruguay (and can pronounce it correctly)

7 things I do now
1. Read... and sometimes understand medical records

7 things I want to do
1. Figure out 7 things I want to do!!!!

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex (my lovely Jane)
1. Her face when she gets a good smile.
2. Her pity laughs

7 Favorite Foods
1. Ice cream, particulary deep fried ice cream.

7 things I Say Most Often: (I plead the 5th)

Well I should be going to bed if I was a tagger I would tag one person I can think of and that would be my sister-in-law on Jane's side. She has some fun posts about her crazy kids.

Me, myself, and I

My bus isn't here yet so this may end up being like the last tim the bus decided to not be here and we all had to pack onto the later bus, but I am going to hope not.

At various points in many degrees over the past 8 months or so (and probably for years before) I have wondered what I was going to do with my life and You Know What!!

I'm not going to work in medicine, "but we already knew that". (use a whiny voice for effect).

No seriously You Know What!!!! I am going to be... Telling a lie >unless I say I am no closer to having the most minute fragment of an inkling of a particle of an idea. Not definitively anyway. Maybe a particle, but not likely, more of a seed, of knowing maybe what I need to do to get the particle.

Who am I really? What makes me worthwhile, unique, individaul? What do I have to offer? How do I get to the place to offer it? And what/where is that place? Do I want more than I can have? Do I even want anything clearly anymore?


Super Guy
(on the move)

Constraint vs Restraint

During my last post I stumbled on an interesting set of words when I was trying to express myself. I often like to think about words or phrases and how they create such different meanings and impressions.

Before I get to my "straints" there is a phrase exploration I found the other day and I will create my own example of it here. When telling a child that cleaning room=treat. There are a few phrase structures we could use two are presented below:

"If you clean your room, you will get 'a treat' "

"If you don't clean your room, you won't get 'a treat' "

What is the difference and how does each one make you feel or perceive the same basic message? The second form was used in a church setting not long ago and proved quite able to offend or concern those who heard it. The key is in the doubly (not double) negative second statement. I am not a psychologist, but I have a feeling this makes a huge difference. Well take a gander and think about it.

Back to my original idea (sorry this will be a long post, and this apology just made it longer for which I could apologize...) the differences between constraint and restraint con and re from her on.

Con: I would say often self imposed, this perspective would be like knowing there is an outside to the box, but not currently dealing with it.

Re: Imposed from the outside or perceived to come from the outside, the vision here would be more of I am inside a box and what can I do about it?, also you might not even be able to see an achievable outside

There are probably some comparisons to optimism and pessimism in these words and more depth to what I am trying to explain,but I am out of ime and I leave it to you to explore your perceptions.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Childhood Dreams

I took some advice from a friend of mine and read a book that he let me borrow called "The Last Lecture" it is a really good book with great life living advice. However, I still am having trouble with seeing how I can apply the main theme of the book.

The theme was the title of the original lecture "How to really achieve your childhood dreams". The trouble, I don't remember them or even know if I really had any to remember. This may sound strange, but my mind lives very much in the present and I have to find a dedicated moment just to pull up significant events let alone "passive" occurrences.

There are others that I might be suppressing given my current circumstances, but I am not sure I could even identify those. I might have something let in my box of junk from the fire that could rekindle something and it will be worth a look whenever I get back to Cedar next.

Does anyone else remember anything about what I wanted as a kid? Some little glimpses I have are not all that meaningful to me now. Or if I am not able to really have childhood dreams how can I approach having dreams at almost 26 with plenty of responsibilities and "constraints". Maybe I should try and make constraint=wall and use the advice from the book, but mine seem to be of a different nature.

Maybe, just maybe, I have caught a glimpse of something more, but there is going to be a whole new approach to life to get around and through to things that keep me in my box, and even with some of the tools to get this accomplished, I still need direction and that is the problem.

That is about all I can take.
Good luck

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I had issues getting out of the house this morning so I am taking the
later bus. The sun is almost up so that is novel after last last week
hardly seeing sunlight.

I get paid at the end of this week and that will probably help me get
through the next couple of days. Yesterday was a little weird. Just
struggled through the morning before reply getting anywhere.

I'm not quite sure what else to say.

So you just have a wonderful day.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well I cooked two big meals this weekend and added a couple weeks lunches to my supply for work. For one of the meals I even made some meatballs so that was a new experience.

I had a scare last night when I couldn't find my id badge and bus pass. I finally gave up and went to bed and I found it this morning almost first thing. It probably wouldn't have been as bad as it was if the weekend hadn't worn me out, but that is what weekends tend to do to me.

I am listening to the radio and I am grateful to be somewhat aloof of the "current issues". I am done for now I think.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Off the Hook

At least you almost were, but I have a few comments after all this morning.

Someone was curled up quite comfortable it seems on the bus today, and even had a pillow which I have contemplated doing before.

All overtime today so it will be nice to get working, and it will be nice to get some more sleep tonight hopefully.

Well I think I had at least one more thought to write, but it is gone now.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Please make some sense

A funny thing goes on when a Trax train comes into a station there is announcement "please purchase your tickets before boarding the train".

That might be called considerate, helpful, and even logical but for the fact that it happens to be announced inside the train to those that are already boarded.

Hmmm I don't get it... The only possible explanation I could fabricate would be that they are "tactfully" warning people to get off and get a ticket if you don't have one. Or maybe it really does talk outside the train and I am deaf when I am outside the trains. However I believe that unlikely since I clearly hear the noise out here.

Well gotta get this off


Super Guy
(on the move)

Morning Rush

I got out of the shower a little later than usual this morning so I had some extra rush to get out the door and to the bus stop. Being the last pickup point the bus doesn't necessarily get here on time so that is helpful on days like these. Turns out we didn't have the regular driver this today so that added to the late factor even more. Now I am comfortably seated and on my way. Nothing jumps out to me as something to cover for now so "that's all folks"

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crazy Website

I was introduced to a website that has the salaries of all the public
employees for the state of Utah. It is called and the
premise I assume is that public moneys should be public information.
It is based on last years data so people that started this year
wouldn't be listed yet.

Crazy to see salaries of university professors I had or even public
school teachers. It was really freaky to see my name and hourly wage
from when I was working in Cedar at adult ed.

Interesting stuff especially crazy for me was when my coworker
suggested looking for Kyle Whittingham head coach for the Utes
football team.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Happily Headed Home

I have ward missionary stuff on Wednesday nights so I get to go home
at a more regular time today thankfully. It will be really nice to
have my one simple bus rather than train train bus like the other
nights this week.

I took some time and cleaned up some of my posts and their weird
formatting for any people that see them with the funny line breaks.

Things are finalized/resolved at work now and my duties are clear. :D
Thank goodness.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Some Money

On a lighter note I have made it through two of my four long days this week and 13 hours a day is going to give me a decent return on payday so that will be helpful towards clearing up some more of our debts before the new year. I hope to get us reduced to just our home loan in a couple of months then focus on paying it off and getting some savings built up. It is really nice to have a paycheck again, and free use of overtime is enjoyable too.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Stressful Mistake

So last night wasn't the greatest once I got home. I was talking to Jane about stupid issues and forgot something in my car when I went in the house. I hung up for a second to run back to the car and thought about the stress in my job andthe possible duty changes that are yet to take effect.

Well by the time I was in the house I was upset and proceeded very quickly to forget why. So needless to say this wasn't the best state to be in trying to get to bed. I was anxious and just generally in a funk.

I guess my difficulties with the probable transition are multifaceted, but some of the more bothersome are I am being reassigned by someone I have never met that refers to me as quot; the non-** person" (** being my colleague's last name) I don't think he really knows much about what I do now, or for that matter what he wants me to do. He has no patience to let me finish the project I was hired for although I am making significant progress, it is almost as if he wants to bag it. The lack of vision and lack of delegation are killing me, it is like the General reassigning foot soldiers no chain of command no personal consideration. People that aren't managers placed in a managing role just causes problems.

Well like the donkey being buried alive I'll just have to "Shake it off and Step up".

Hagoda all

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Early and Cold

I made it to my bus stop early for a change instead of just on time
and I decided I would get out of my car and wait. Maybe that was
stupid. It is a nice morning not windy like is often the case here,
but it is cold.

Yesterday went rather well and now I'm off to my second long day this
week. It will be nice to get a solid paycheck after this is over and
get some stuff paid off.

Looks like we are probably going to have Christmas in Cedar this year
since we can't really make it for Thanksgiving. So that should be fun
to get out of The Wasatch front I haven't left since August.

Not much else to say for now I got on the bus and it is warmer so that
is nice.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, November 10, 2008

It begins

So I am setting myself up for a long week. Jane is visiting my family
this week so I have decided it will be a great week to take advantage
of my standing permission to get lots of overtime. I am going to try
for 12+ hour days. I think I will be able to do it for a week, but I
am definitely going to need a weekend after this.

The extra money gained from so much overtime will be very helpful
though to get some more bills paid and get us closer to being out of
debt. It is always nice to be free of that, and have money going to
youself rather than to other people. It will be nice to get working on
savings again.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Rock Bands

Maybe i have mentioned some of this before, i honestly can't remember, but too bad if I did.

A friend of mine had a cd of the band Styx that I listened to quite a bit in high school and as I started listening to Pandora online radio I set up a radio station focused around the style of Styx. I found other bands of the "prog" rock era I have been enjoying too. Kansas, Boston, and Journey have some cool music and it was interesting to get this other musical selection I haven't had much exposure to.

I also have been listening to some country that I like nothing that is very new I don't think mostly artists and songs that I could have heard back in the day with Sam. In nice to have several varieties so when one starts going stale I can switch over to another one

Super Guy
(on the move)

Friday, November 07, 2008


I find myself often playing a solitaire game I have on my iPod in my spare bus time. Why do I spend my time on my cool little device playing solitaire. One could say "you might as well be playing tiddley winks".

Ha ha ha that is ridiculous have you ever tried playing tiddley winks on a bus. Then don't make such silly remarks.

In fact the solitaire I haven't gotten hooked on isn't a run of the mill game you can move cards around a lot more and you even get some redeals to get through it. Quite a fun game even if it is a little lackluster for the power packed machine I carry.

Silly silly people... Tiddley winks how utterly ridiculous.

Super Guy
(on the move)


Next week will probably be a long and tough one, but this week is
almost over. It is chilly out this morning but very nice otherwise.
Yesterday work went quite well I made some head way on some more
difficult forms. It takes some time to get used to the best ways to
find the information I am fighting to discover.

One thing about Fridays is that there are generally less people on the
bus, and today even less than normal. It will be nice to have my
weekend before my big eork week next week while Jane is out of town.

I don't have whole lot to say right nownso maybe I will just leave it
at that.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Releasing Frustration

I am annoyed by Zions Bank this afternoon and how thing are processed with my online banking. So I had a couple of checks out to our HOAs that are cashed whenever and I as watching my account carefully because I get paid tomorrow and it was getting on the low side, I even made a transfer out of my credit union account to try and make sure I made it to Friday.

Well today I looked at my account and apparently the HOA cashed checks "yesterday". Also, my transfer was being processed today and somehow everything came together and said I still had a few dollars "available" because of weird overlap and wanting to be cautious I transfered money from one of our Zions accounts raising my "available amount to about $19 or so. Then I decided to buy a piece of pumpkin pie when went to the cafeteria with some coworkers. The pie was less than $2, but triggered a tentative overdraw charge on my account. This is extremely annoying when I was even extra careful by transfering money into the account I will see if it stays on my account and I have to complain about it.

Frustrating and stupid I'll see what happens.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Make up

I don't wear it although some people might argue that it would help. I just thought it was interesting that looking up from my blog posting I looked over and a woman was doing her makeup across the aisle. Not strange you might say and you might b right seems like a reasonable idea and much better than some who might do it while driving.

Although you might be wrong in you're seemingly right assumption and indeed this would be a strange thing. Why is it strange? Well maybe I just have no experience with the time and dedication required to properly "paint" your face, but this woman was seen by me over half an hour ago through the windows on the bus engaged in this activity. Maybe there were breaks in between or maybe it just took that long, but goodness that is quite a bit of time to spend.

And to think of how much time I wasted commenting on it, that is appalling. :D

Super Guy
(on the move)

Making Headway in Quicksand

So my job is very interesting from a stability standpoint seeing that
if some things happen as planned I might end up doing a very different
job than I was originally hired to do.

In other situations this might not be a bothersome situation, but I
have been making relatively sugnificant progress at cleaning up the
backlog of "paper work" that has been accumulating for years. I think
I could get over my distaste for the duties I am to be given, I just
want to be given enough time to finish what I am working on because
otherwise it may start piling up again or just totally come to naught.
Every week or so some new thing comes up from some source to
potentially recreate my position, but luckily nothing has succeeded as
of yet.

Basically all I can do is keep going and hope that can get my work far
enough out of the pit to argue for it's necessary continuance over
other things.

It is some rough work and although at the end of the day I hit a
saturation point of frustration and fatigue I can usually face it
again by morning, and it much better than the alternatives. The new
job I would be given is a whole other story with even more room for
frustration, but I will leave that for another day if it comes to that.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Bus Possibilities

So both Eagle Mountain and our neighbor Saratoga Springs passed
propositions to increase our sales tax in order to join UTA so
hopefully if the projections hold we might have an express bus route
straight from Eagle Mountain to Salt Lake. When I first heard about
getting an express route I wasn't sure if it would work for me since I
don't work downtown, but with the flexibility of my schedule and the
fact that I get a half hour lunch (not an hour) I think it will be
advantageous and I won't need to drive as much or not at all to get to

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Elections Editorial

Recently reading over the constitution I saw a few things about the
presidental elections that would be interesting to see implemented in
a different way. There are three main points that would make for a
different process and possibly a better experience for everyone
involved. These points involve the idea of a presidental/vp "ticket",
the party system as it relates to intial nominations, and the
administration of the electoral college.

Looking at the original Article II of the constitution gives us the
standard for the election of a president and the vice president, and
the XII ammendement gives us an extended idea of how they can relate
to each other. The president and vice president are elected
seperately, yet we most likely weren't given the option of
distinguishing the two yesterday at the polls. The seperation of these
two races though not essentail could create a different dynamic to
free us from a strictly partisan outcome. How would it be if we could
have a bipartsan presidental/vp outcome, bad or good, I don't claim to
know, but it would be different and maybe something we could benefit

Also of note in the constitution is the mentioning of voting
restricted to a president and vp from different states than the one in
which the electors reside that brings to my mind a more broad view of
political ideals. Rather than a two party system with the other
outlying parties we could have a system based more around state vision
and unity. Each state could potentially back their candidate(s) into a
process of weeding out who would be better. Perhaps not a better way
of doing things, but an area with room for thought.

Finally the electoral college seems to be executed in a manner that is
not solely based on the constitution, but by long held traditions.
Wouldn't it be a very different experience if in the state of Utah we
"appointed" 5 people to vote in the electoral college rather than
doing a popular vote and automatically giving the party of the
favoures candidate the electors that favor it. Some also argue the
electoral college is obsolete because of mass communication, perhaps
it is still needed because of miscommunication. The selecting of
electors could also create a more personal level election I could see
the potential of actually knowing/ meeting the person I am "voting"
for and they could get to know, meet with, and investigate the people
they would be voting for. Couldn't we benefit from more direct

There has been extensive talk about change maybe it is time that we
tried some other sorts if change.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Nasty Weather

So leaving my house you would never have known about the blizzard
waiting on the other side of the hill. I also didn't think to get a
beanie or coat or gloves or other useful clothing articles.

It will be interesting to see when the bus makes it here. I am just
hanging out in my car until it does because our notoriously windy bus
stop is terribly blizzardy.

This is going to be a fun winter and may cure me of wanting to live
anywhere near the wasatch front. Some people are standing out in this
I am amazed by that.

So the election happened we will see how the next four years go. Maybe
by the next election I will have some clue of how to find good
reliable information and have some solid vision of how I want things,
or maybe I will just lean more towards apathy.

So one more nice thing about mass transit is that now I am comfortably
sitting writing for my blog and someone else gets to deal with traffic
and weather. I will be later for work, but with a flexible schedule
later isn't neccessarily late.

If I had a more formulated opinion on politics today would be a
fitting place for it, but I am content to live my life and simply hope
the government doesn't invade it too much.

Well I think I am done for now, but I might write more before I get to
work. It will be a long ride.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


That felt great I can see how much money I have again. It is decidedly less than before, but just the ability to see it and not have to wonder anymore makes a huge difference. Back on the financial bandwagon and how great an opportunity to go forward with it. I am so glad I brought my laptop today and it might become a regular occurrence so I do stuff like this. I am wonderfully amazed at the difference that seeing my money in real time is having on my outlook. I thrive on the day to day monitoring just like on the mission where I really learned to manage my finances.

I get to go walk in the rain in just a minute ick..

Gotta run

Blogging By Computer

That is a novel idea so I thought I would try it this morning and keep with my daily posting. I am carrying my laptop today since I am going to try and use it at work. I am delving into physical records today to try and recover information for the research forms I am filling out and they want me to work in their review rooms instead of taking the records to my own office. Since all of the forms are on the internet I hope to be able to use my laptop or they may have computers in the review room and I will go from there.

It is nice to actually be using my laptop again it has been several months now since I got my ipod touch and I have been surviving off the small screen and slower processing quite well considering. Dusting off the old girl is really nice though and if I start getting some good ideas about things I could try and accomplish then maybe it will be more frequent. I really need to be actively involved in something outside of work, about all I have done in the past month outside work is play games and write blog posts.

So really I blame anyone who reads my blog, it is all your fault.

I was thinking of something else I could start blogging about and maybe trying another blog out, but I will see on that.

Well I think I will make a vain attempt at getting Quicken up to date since I have it with me.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Drab Day

So getting out of my cave today and seeing the outside world for the
first time since about 7 this morning I found out it was a cloudy and
cool day with good fresh air outside. It was a huge relief after being
buried alive.

Election day is tomorrow. Heaven help us. Good luck to mom who gets to
sit at a polling location for the entire day, you might as well be
doing my job. (although I would imagine mine is a bit nastier)

Had a fun party with some Herd members we had a lot of fun and
subjected them to artichokes mmmmm they were tasty too. Otherwise
just here trying to keep going that is about all I can manage on a
daily basis.

Super Guy
(on the move)


That is probably the most accuratte way to describe how I feel right
now. At least at the en of this week I get a paycheck so that will be
a welcome event.


Super Guy
(on the move)