Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank you to Mellissa for tagging me with a Kreativ Blogger award I am afraid I am not very good at being someone to participate in what they call the meme portion of the award and such. So I won't claim the prize as such, but I will do at least a first entry for each of the listed categories.

7 things I've done before
1. I've gone to Uruguay (and can pronounce it correctly)

7 things I do now
1. Read... and sometimes understand medical records

7 things I want to do
1. Figure out 7 things I want to do!!!!

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex (my lovely Jane)
1. Her face when she gets a good smile.
2. Her pity laughs

7 Favorite Foods
1. Ice cream, particulary deep fried ice cream.

7 things I Say Most Often: (I plead the 5th)

Well I should be going to bed if I was a tagger I would tag one person I can think of and that would be my sister-in-law on Jane's side. She has some fun posts about her crazy kids.

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