Thursday, April 30, 2009

Phone blog: done with work 40 hours. Thank goodness

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

For Better or Worse

So I am still alive apparently and will be off to work presently. This
week is taking it's toll however and I am glad that today is going to
be over at some point. At least the weather is nice that is something,
and I got a lot of reading in yesterday.

We'll see what the day brings.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

At Work #200

So since I was using my computer I am aware of the number of this post. Two hundred is actually quite a few since a large number of them were done in the last year and even in the last 8 months that I have been working my job.


That acknowledgement aside maybe I can still think of something to write.

Jane went to Cedar this week and she is starting to look at possible living arrangements so she could move back. We are going to be in for an interesting ride since we wouldn't have much chance of selling our condo. We are looking at renting it and making the move. If nothing else Jane will most likely make the move and I will follow as opportunity allows with work arrangements. I think the opportunity to get back will be good for the family and Gwen would have a lot of her cousins really close to play with. I miss Cedar too, it has been home for so long that I really would like to be back there. Distances seem so much smaller in Cedar nothing like my 3 hours of commuting every day, heck I didn't even have that when we were driving to Cedar everyday. (Although the bus was another story altogether).

I guess we will see what we can do and start pinching some pennies to make it happen.

Monday, April 27, 2009


So I didn't get to bed when I should have last night and today will
most likely be an interesting day to show for it.

Brian turned off... Not surprised that is why I named my post what I

Good luck.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Been Awhile

Well I haven't written for awhile, but here I am. I had a somewhat
uncomfortable week so far. Monday I had a sick day Tuesday I went and
felt nasty the whole time and yesterday I took some more time to rest
it off.

As far as how things are going they aren't too bad right now. Just
trying to keep going mostly. Work is pretty much just doing the same
thing over and over and life is pretty much that way altogether.

Hopefully the future can open a little more going forward.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

So yesterday was one in several days this past week or so where things
have been less than desirable. My head has not been doing well. I
think some of it is due to the amount of things I am trying to absorb,
process, and make sense of at the moment, but I think sleep is a factor.

Have you ever felt like you were doing things without a conscious
connection? I don't know if that explains the feeling quite right,
but things have really been going over the edge this week. I am hoping
that sleep will help but there may be other factors that contribute
more than I would like them to.

I did get a little more sleep this morning I think so hopefully today
will be a little better, although I am not going to get my hopes up
too much.


Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Catching the bus

So we had a different driver this morning and that may have made a
difference because he was at least a little earlier than the other one
has been lately. It might make just enough of a difference so I can
catch my earlier train for a ten hour day. We will see how it goes.

In other news I'm tired and may or may not be losing my mind.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Another week

I'm actually awake on the bus this morning I think it has been awhile
since I had that luxury. Starting a new week will be nice and maybe,
just maybe the future outlook of things may be better than it has been.

General conference was a good experience yesterday and Saturday. We
visited with Jane's parents yesterday and it was nice to get out of
the house and visit some.

I am hoping for a little bit of a spring week to finally get here the
storms of the last week were less than agreeable. I think am drawing a
blank so I will leave it at that for now.


Super Guy
(on the move)


As I was getting out of the car their was an extended news piece about
guns and gun control laws. I think it is reasonable to had certain
controls in place and all that, but I want to comment on a sad bit of
verbage that is a silly perpective. "[insert big number] of murders
were commuted by guns last [favorite period of time]". Followed by
mentioning the FDA pulling tainted food products if they caused a
similar number of deaths.

Guns can't murder they are inanimate objects, neither is tainted food
equivalent to murder, nor is there a total ban on peanut butter
because of an isolated incident, and ... You can't advocate banning
guns because they "commit murder" that currently impossible outside of
science fiction.

Just thought I would let everyone know that last I checked inanimate
objects were just that inanimate.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

LDS edition of the Bible in Spanish

I was extremely excited when I saw this. Wow the church is so true and that is so awesome.