Tuesday, April 28, 2009

At Work #200

So since I was using my computer I am aware of the number of this post. Two hundred is actually quite a few since a large number of them were done in the last year and even in the last 8 months that I have been working my job.


That acknowledgement aside maybe I can still think of something to write.

Jane went to Cedar this week and she is starting to look at possible living arrangements so she could move back. We are going to be in for an interesting ride since we wouldn't have much chance of selling our condo. We are looking at renting it and making the move. If nothing else Jane will most likely make the move and I will follow as opportunity allows with work arrangements. I think the opportunity to get back will be good for the family and Gwen would have a lot of her cousins really close to play with. I miss Cedar too, it has been home for so long that I really would like to be back there. Distances seem so much smaller in Cedar nothing like my 3 hours of commuting every day, heck I didn't even have that when we were driving to Cedar everyday. (Although the bus was another story altogether).

I guess we will see what we can do and start pinching some pennies to make it happen.

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