Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Childhood Dreams

I took some advice from a friend of mine and read a book that he let me borrow called "The Last Lecture" it is a really good book with great life living advice. However, I still am having trouble with seeing how I can apply the main theme of the book.

The theme was the title of the original lecture "How to really achieve your childhood dreams". The trouble, I don't remember them or even know if I really had any to remember. This may sound strange, but my mind lives very much in the present and I have to find a dedicated moment just to pull up significant events let alone "passive" occurrences.

There are others that I might be suppressing given my current circumstances, but I am not sure I could even identify those. I might have something let in my box of junk from the fire that could rekindle something and it will be worth a look whenever I get back to Cedar next.

Does anyone else remember anything about what I wanted as a kid? Some little glimpses I have are not all that meaningful to me now. Or if I am not able to really have childhood dreams how can I approach having dreams at almost 26 with plenty of responsibilities and "constraints". Maybe I should try and make constraint=wall and use the advice from the book, but mine seem to be of a different nature.

Maybe, just maybe, I have caught a glimpse of something more, but there is going to be a whole new approach to life to get around and through to things that keep me in my box, and even with some of the tools to get this accomplished, I still need direction and that is the problem.

That is about all I can take.
Good luck

Super Guy
(on the move)

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

You may not even read this but heres to hope. I know exactly what you mean. All the dreams I had as a child left as I became an adult, accept one. That one was to be a father and husband. I have that and more. But after I received that I didn't know what was next. Well then I realized that I needed to make my choices with full intent of asking for help from the one person that knows me best. Our Father helped me find my dreams even though I didn't even know they were my dreams. He brought me out of my box and helped me become more than I ever thought I could be. If anyone really wants to live their dreams then they must turn to their Father and ask him what he thinks and he will help them find and make real their dreams.
Love you Brother and good Luck