Monday, March 09, 2009

Officially unofficial

So I am supposed to be managing overtime now as it was sort of, kind
of said that we are not supposed to be getting it anymore. So I am
trying an experiment today taking a later bus and seeing how that
works with clocking in and out with my usual afternoon bus.

Of course the bus was late so I don't know how reliable the numbers
will be, but stuff happens. In April I will have another bus option
out in Eagle Mountain and we will see how helpful that can be. I am
also still entertaining the dream of a four day work week. Nothing is
solid in any way, what can you do?

My month of being alone ended of Friday evening when my mom brought
Jane and Gwen home. It is going to be a little bit of a transition
week to get back in the groove with other people in the house again,
but it has been a lot of fun.

Super Guy
(on the move)

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