Friday, January 09, 2009

Deaf!!! (No the other kind)

Meeting with the manager over our program yesterday was a bit of a fiasco. I thought I had explained myself, the vision I have going forward the progress we have been making and then I get "So what I am getting from you is that you lack direction" (meaning supervision in her mind). First I was taken back because I don't remember saying that even remotely, and clarified that only one part of our job is missing direction and still needs to be defined however we have more than enough direction and vision of other things to be working on in the meantime. Apparently she didn't comprehend anything I said because our lack of guidance and direction was the only thing on her mind as we left the meeting. I of course did not know this until lunchtime when my supervisor told me she said that I had said I didn't have enough supervision or direction... What deaf ears my words had fallen on... Honestly selective hearing is worse than deafness, because if I were speaking with a deaf person there would be a little bit of an explanation.

Before this lunchtime revelation I had already started writing an email in followup to our meeting and it became as detailed and clear as I could get it by the end of the day. Perhaps the written word will hold some water, or I can at least hold her to it.

I just pray that I can detach myself enough that whatever happens won't affect me too much. I am just waiting for the micromanagement to start it is a looming cloud on the horizon that bears with it a storm that will more than hamper the trip I have started to take towards progress.

Good Luck people

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

It's bad enough when children have selective hearing, but when adults have it it's really ridiculous! I hope things work out better once she reads your email. There is a difference in needing direction and not knowing what in the world you're doing! Good grief. At least it's Friday.