Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Day 3

Yesterday wasn't nice compared to Monday, although still not the greatest experience in the world it is amazing how much effect snow can have on the commute up here. Luckily I have my laptop and ipod to keep me company. I had some work meetings yesterday and have a little more hope for things to work out, but not tons. The difficulties really come down to politics and ignorance. There is no clear administration over our "department" that has any say in the matter and without strong backing I don't see things changing anytime soon.

It is interesting to be in a situation where the chain of command won't work simply because the command doesn't know what you do or see the importance of it. I never understood the full need for structure until I got this job now I would love to have a manager that has the authority necessary to make changes, I miss the direct contact I have had with the decision makers in my previous jobs. Here it seems the decision maker sometimes doesn't even have the authority (or use it) to make changes and might not even understand that changes need to be made.

Well we will see what happens and if I can get anywhere in this mess.

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

You sound stuck in a really annoying situation, of which you have no control. I hope things start getting more organized, for the sake of your sanity.