Monday, December 29, 2008

Right Back In

I got to the bus stop this morning and realized that UTA hasn't bothered plowing their parking lot and hopefully I will be able to get out this afternoon when I am trying to go home. Otherwise I am back in the fray and ready to make some changes in the next couple of weeks both with work and with my life. I needed the week away from the stresses I have been feeling and I am extremely grateful to my mom for letting us go stay with her for awhile. Overall it was a good holiday and I got to spoil Jane and surprise her with all the gifts I was able to sneak out on Christmas Eve. My present was a video game that I have yet to try a whole lot, but that should make for some interesting times. It is called Little Big Planet and it has a myriad of tools and functions to build and explore huge worlds. Carter was insane with it as he decided to "decorate" everything to extremes.

All in all I think the time off is going to be beneficial, I just have to get back into a routine so I don't go crazy. Vacations and I don't usually agree, even weekends are not the best, but this one was in comparison far from the worst, but not perfect.

On my computer today, hopefully I can accomplish something by bringing it.

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

You remind me of Ben when you say that you and vacations, or weekends for that matter, don't mix. He does the same thing with time off - stresses about getting back on track. I'm glad Carter could entertain you guys with that. He is an extreme boy, but usually it's a good thing! It was good to see you three!