Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Long Days

Yesterday was very busy and ended quite well. During work a lot of my
efforts were focused on getting a better picture of what our data
management team is responsible for, since I will be taking the lead in
about a month. I found out some things that could be helpful and
hopefully I can get off to a good start.

After work I ran around inviting people to our ward Christmas party,
or inviting people to invite people to the party. All in all it didn't
make for a bad day just a bit of a long one.

It is crazy how my life has been so dynamic it changes so often that I
find a new routine or flow practically every week. Last week there
was Thanksgiving this week this ward party and a temple trip among
other things. Who knows what moight come up next week.

Super Guy
(on the move)

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

Ward Parties = Yummy Desserts
Our ward party is also this week, and I'm excited, if for nothing else but the fact that I don't have to cook that night.