Friday, December 19, 2008

Dropping Like Flies

We are lean on people for the bus today. Many factors could decrease
the number of passengers, less people work on Friday, less traffic
with less people working, next week is Christmas, the bus was on time,
you know those kinds of things.

This was the most on time I remember ever seeing this bus, and I am
glad I got out of the house earlier than usual, especially with
somewhat slow drivers again.

I have been getting Gwen for bedtimes this week and she was pretty
goofy last night. Just before putting her in bed she followed me into
the kitchen where her other binks were on the counter. She wanted one
of them so I took the one out of her mouth an put another one in, she
must not have liked it because she asked for another one. I was
thinking she was trying to get me to give her two at a time, but when
I switched it out she was satisfied and headed back to her room. I
guess even binkies that look the same are different and Gwen was being

I actually got a relatively useful present from the another branch of
my employment yesterday, so they have helped ease my outrage, although
I am still not very pleased with the lousy management of what could be
a lift on morale. We also had a Christmas party with a white elephant
gift exchange and I ended up with a big jingle bell, although there
were at least a few nice gifts. As far as Christmas stuff is concerned
we will see how the dinner with Jane's family goes tonight, it should
be fun.

Super Guy
(on the move)

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

I hate gifts at work parties. There is always someone who brings something really ridiculous, and someone who brings something really nice, and it never seems the trade is fair. But, I'm just a humbug so ignore me.