Saturday, December 06, 2008


My sister-in-law set me off on a topic this morning as I read her blog and I thought I would reserve some of my commentary to write here since I was already leaving a longer than needed comment on her post.

Media is getting out of hand in our society on many fronts slowly sliding into inappropriate materials that are desensitizing the masses.  When you can take a step back and ask yourself about something you might be watching or reading and say "is this appropriate" that is when you take that step you may find that many of the things you enjoy or thought were "so cool" are really disgraceful portrayals of life.  I have come to agree in many ways with a story I once heard, that goes something like this.

Some children asked their dad if they could go to a movie that was very popular at the time.  The father knew that this movie was not appropriate with the standards the family had set.  He posed the question to the children and they acknowledged there would probably be inappropriate material, but that it was "only one scene" the rest of the movie was going to be great.  The children went off to school and the father prepared a pie for them when they got home.  As an ingredient in the pie he placed kitty litter from their cat's box.  When the children got home he told them he had baked a pie, one of their favorite treats, and told them about his secret ingredient.  The children were disgusted and refused to eat the pie, the father told them that the when he put in the kitty litter it was "just a little bit" and cautioned them against the thoughts that "a little bit" of anything bad can taint something that is otherwise good.

The world will always trend downward in moral issues and appropriateness, being able to step back and possibly extricate yourself from things we thought were "ok" or even "good" will help us take a step up and away from the world that is slowly sliding into a pit.  The process may be painful as we make decisions to give up something we are "used to" there are many ways of accomplishing this one of the things we have done in our family is seriously consider the movies that we own and get rid of some that didn't reflect our values.  I found an Ensign article that talks about this topic that might be worth a read, some strategies may be a little easier these days with advances in technology, but the principles will never be dated.


Mellissa said...

It's nice to know others feel the same way as Ben and I do about the media. I will have to read that Ensign article. We've done that with most of our movies, and I think we could do it with more. It's not hard for us, but sometimes it's hard explaining to the kids about it. Maybe the pie idea would work, although I hate wasting a lovely pie to put kitty litter in it.

Mom Hunt said...

I liked and agree with your comments also.