Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Free Grand Slam

So I did get to Denny's today for a free grand slam breakfast. (6am-2pm today)

I went right at 6 this morning it was tasty and free. I sat with a sister from the church since she was a party of one as well. It did take a long time though since we got lost in the corner and while waiting other people after us were served well ahead of us. She had a fascinating life story and it was fun to listen. I am now on a bus, not a preferred one, but a suitable one non the less, and had a good experience overall even though it took nearly an hour of my day.

Recently someone I work with brought up the topic of "What is your time worth" with me and I have been weighing the free breakfast against the money I could have made by being at work already, but I don't think it is an accurately reflection of reality. Time is worth more than money because money is not lasting. I had the opportunity today to become acquainted with a good person and hear a testimony of the truth. Most likely I won't even see that sister again and we didn't form a lasting acquaintance I can look at this and know that my day was lit by someone outside my regular routine, and she had the opportunity to not have to have breakfast by herself. I also realize looking back right now that the passing acquaintance in this life can potentially become a more lasting experience in out future state. It will be amazing to have friendships and conversation with people outside our temporal social spheres.

Hagoda everyone

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

Very nice insight. I wish I leaned more toward the "time is more important than money" direction, but it's hard to do so.