Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Arctic Tundra

Well I had a very long weekend and I am now making my way to work. I
left last Wednesday and went to Cedar until yesterday. The apartment
Jabe got for us is actually quite nice and our ward seemed very
welcoming so that was good too.

I got some work done at adult ed and contacted some people about jobs
I am looking into. All in all it was a pretty good trip although I am
a bit worn out from the driving.

Friday we had Kya's grduation and that was quite enjoyable. I think
she was surprised to see me there and I was glad I could make it. When
I was looking through the program before it started I noticed that
James had a brother graduating. I had been texting organizing a Nerd
party so I disclosed this info to the Nerd formerly known as dictator
and was given a mission to find James and "ambush" him.

Where's Waldo is a lot harder when he is not wearing the
characteristic red and white stripes. My mom deserves the credit for
finally spying him and I ran over to talk to him after it was all done
and invited him to a picnic I had been organizing for Saturday.

The next day we had a fun time at the picnic although for a good
portion of it I was watching and chasing Gwen, not the easiest way to
participate, not at all, but it seems like people had fun and that was
good. My title today comes from a conversation at the picnic, if you
wan more info ask Nate.

Super Guy
(on the move)

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