Friday, January 02, 2009

Post 125

I figured labeling this post with its number is something that really identifies my numerical leanings. 125 is a cool number it is a cube, and of a prime no less, and I like numbers that can relate directly to quarters maybe because I can deal with them very quickly.

There is a square number of passengers on the bus today, once again a square of a prime. All nine of us unfortunate ones on our way to work for one day before the weekend. Not bad though when it comes down to it I would rather come back for one than to deal with two. Jane had some of her nephews and niece over for a couple of days this week and they had a lot of fun. I have been able to explore my Christmas present "Little Big Planet" and it is a really fun game.

The neetest parts of the game are that you can build your own levels and objects with all sorts of tools and materials. I was able to make little car things yesterday that would go really quite fast. I think the game will be really fun to work with and build fun contraptions. Writers block is coming on, I think in part because my nose and one of my eyes is acting funny (like an allergy thing or something).


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