Friday, January 30, 2009

40 hours no more no less

I left work earlier than usual today, because even though I get paid to stay, I don't know that they deserve my time. Frankly I don't know if there is anything I can do other than resign myself to a mindless job of doing what I have been told. Really I should be and may get to the point that I will be grateful that I am free of any responsibility regarding extended duties, and the stresses of trying to actually make things better. I guess mostly I am feeling a little bit under appreciated and wondering what kind of job could I get where my contribution would be valued again. I want to be valuable in my employment, but to do what they are asking of me takes very little of what I have worked to achieve up to this point. I would love to use my skills to bolster and improve something, but at this point I am regulated to the suffocation point.

Do they think I am a teenager? Does experience, a degree, good ideas,and a having a brain mean nothing to these people? I honestly felt and still sometimes feel that I have something to offer, but some peoples attitudes and interactions make me wonder.

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