I am glad that I am not in the market foe a laptop or they might be
more tempting than they are. I still have my laptop, but don't use it outside the house often because I get by for the most part on my iPod and work computer. Some of my main uses for my laptop previously were to have something I could use at home and transfer to school and sometimes to work. I have used it extensively for my email and chat systems, but now I can use my iPod to some extent for that type of thing and it fits in my pocket.
Just an interesting place I find myself in. I always thought a laptop was cool, and sort of a status symbol now it is this little hunk of metal glass and stuff that more than suffices. It is also a little interesting to have a job that doesn't seem like it would benefit all that much from laptop access although I could probably find a use for it if I wanted to lug it around which I don't.
I think I might sit back and pretend to sleep now.
Super Guy
(on the move)
I didn't know you were doing all these posts from your iPod! That's cool. Sorry about the drunk guy talking to you. Reminds me of my brother - scary!
Any post with Super Guy (on the move) comes from the email program on my ipod. I don't often look at the blog online so I am sorry about funny formatting issues with paragraph breaks and things where they shouldn't be. Must be the email to blog conversion.
I always wondered why there were spaces between so many sentences.
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