Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sometimes it is hard to be around "successful" people. I have always
had difficulty with seeing others success and wondering when and if I
might find my success.

Success can mean different things to different people, but everyone
would most likely agree that they would like to be successful in some
form. I think one of my difficulties is that many of the people I know
are in very different worlds than mr and when I look out of mine I
wonder why it couldn't be more like the way I perceive theirs. Maybe
it is just my perception as well.

The hardest comparisons I subject myself to is when I look at people
older than me. There is a serious problem in the logic because I can't
see them in the "future" by at least a few years and wish I could be
there. I acknowledge that I am a few years behind, but since I can't
see my future in the slightest it still makes it hard.

I don't even know what my success would be, maybe I even am
"successful" in a way, but it doesn't feel like it. When life can be
summarized as "the daily grind" I have to think there should be
something more, if not now than at least hope for the future, I just
can't see it though.

Super Guy
(on the move)

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