Friday, February 20, 2009

Talking Down

So I had a bit of an epiphany yesterday about my problems at work. I
found that in my treatment by others an unusual paradox.

As a teenager I often was treated and felt older than I was, let's say
like an adult. Now that I am an adult there is a strange reversal that
I am being treated like I am a kid.

In a dictatorship what matters to the dictator is what matters to his/
her cohorts and valuable though education and experience might be it
doesn't have the same worth to different people.

I think the lack of appreciation and the superiority complexes are
some of the most bizarre things. More people need to cede to others
with more knowledge and experience when they are not experienced in
the field. Because you are expert on a topic does not mean that you
know everything, in fact it can simply means that you are intertwined
with that topic that you can't see the outside.

Just because you have been involved in something for a long time and
have tons of experience doesn't mean that you know the best way to do
things. Another person with less experience but fresh ideas can come
in and help you improve, if you let them.

One quality of good management is realizing that you don't know
everything and don't need to. Team built with people from different
background can cover more ground because people can play to their

I am being paid for a job I am well qualified for while being
regulated to doing a job I am overqualified for. I guess I should be
happy at the fact that I am being paid more than what value I would
give the work, but I think I would rather have a job where I at least
feel respected.

It is sad to be treated as if you are inferior, not that I want to be
superior, just relatively equal, and maybe respected a little.

Super Guy
(on the move)

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