Sunday, August 05, 2007

What Now? (Super Guy's Rant)

Well, as some may know I am preparing for my last semester at SUU. I only have one complication and that is to figure out what in the heck I am going to do after that. I am considering a few options, but none of them is overpowering and I hate the feeling I get when it comes to these points in my life. It is like going to Dairy Queen and wanting a blizzard but not having a favorite flavor. I find myself looking at the options and none seems to stand out, so I end up running around in circles and just wondering what I want. Our fast this sunday is for a better understanding of what to do. I am grateful to actually have a major and a good solid graduation outlook but beyond that I really don't know what is going to happen. Just so you have some idea of the options I am facing the main 2 branches are "get a job" or "grad school" each of those has several options as well so that is only the beginning. I am mostly covering my bases right now and hopefully by the time deadlines start showing up I will be ready to jump on them. I just remembered something else that is a little bit annoying about all this "You can be anything you want to be" that is just the problem people have told me that all my life, but that contains the problem in itself "want" that is the problem I don't "want" to be anything in particular. I have only been able to eliminate things that I don't want or things that I don't feel are the right decision for me. I had the opportunity to go through the seminary teaching classes this last year in institute and although it was something I had wanted it didn't quite feel like the path I am supposed to take so I got put back to square one in some ways. Well, I guess that does it for my freaking out.

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