Monday, July 28, 2008

Zucchini Quiche

This is a "recipe" I got on my mission one of my in-laws has a garden and got zucchini and it made me think of this recipe.

First of all I am translating this and to explain the Uruguayos aren't to big on measuring anything so things are approximate.

for 30 x 40 cm pan (about 12 x 16 inches?) 9x13 and it may be thick...
or for a 16 inch diameter round
2 cups flour, 100g butter ( 1 stick is about 110 grams by someone on
1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 Tb vinegar
Mix with 1Tb baking powder
Mix to soft dough you can spread to size of pan
Add squash mix and bake

Squash Mix (Zucchini is a squash and very tasty for this recipe)
Fry 2 small onions in oil or butter
Add 6 or 7 chopped squash until cooked
add salt, oregano, grated cheese*, a little creme or milk (1/2 cup)
Remove from heat and add 3 to 4 eggs
Stir well add to crust
Bake 30 to 40 minutes at 180-200 degrees Celsius (356 to 392 F)

*Cheese: not sure exactly what cheese this was might have been a mozzarella leave comments if you have suggestions or questions on things that don't quite fit


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Here I are again

Well I haven't been writing much over the course of this week just
because I have been occupying my bus trips with my new iPod software.
I have some games for it now and I have been playing them and
listening to some Lord of the Rings audio dramas I put on my iPod

Things feel like they should start looking up soon. I am finishing my
job today so I can finally have more time to focus on a job hunt and
really look hard and work at it. It isn't going to be easy that is for
sure, but I do feel some more confidence and things might turn out yet.

Questions are what my life is all about lately. I am not who I was and
not who I want to be, but I don't feel yet like a hopeless cause so
that is reassuring. Although there have been points where I have been
wondering who I have become and how I had fallen so much from where I
have been in the past.

Little things will make the man
Little things may break him
Regardless of where he now stands
The Lord will not forsake him

Heavenly Father cares for all his children even though they may not
care for themselves. I am glad to know I have good strong men to call
my friends.

We may not be the brain trust of some great enterprise in the sight of
this world, but we have something that transcends this world. One of
the reasons I have made it this far in my life was due to my friends.

I have many times been on the brink
Or yet within the pit
When those around me showed me more
And helped me out of it

My life was blessed beyond measure by the high school split and the
opportunity to attend CVHS. It saved my life.

Just some thoughts

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Another week

Another week

Not much to show for the new week, but doing alright just the same.
Have to keep looking for jobs and applying this week and hopefully
start I start getting more replies back from the applications I
already sent out. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a clue about how
to find a job and in fact I don't. Hopefully I can find something that
at least acknowledges my degree and counts that as something.
Mathematics, what was I thinking. Oh yeah, I was thinking I was
goingyo go to grad school, well we will see about that.

I really need to start using my new computer more and do some
programming that would at least give me something to be working on and
something to accomplish. If anybody has ideas of things I could
program let me know. Need something that does a specific task? Let me
know and you can get a custom program that meets your needs.

I will keep you all updated and I hope things start to pan out at
least a little so I can be providing a more stable income for my family.

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Ode to Birdland

During my school years in jazz band there was one song I really loved called Birdland. Today going to work I listened to it and had a fit of nostalgia. Often times we don't realize how good things are when they are happening. Sometimes I can't help but miss the simplicity of those times. We were pretty crazy in our way. Follies of youth, things that happen when you get bored, but aren't a bad person just a kid pushing the limits. There were also the fun times of making movies and just being with friends.

My friends have been great in helping me get through life. There were points I might not have made it without them. I was blessed with good friends at a time in my life I when I could have really ruined things for myself, but there were people there to protect me and keep me in
better circumstances.

Super Guy
(on the move)

What to say?

Just on Trax trying to get to work. Bus fares went up today. Still looking for a full time job. Speaking in sentence fragments. Jane and Gwen good. Might apply to job in Wisconsin. Other job with HOA. Trying to keep up. Cool new computer and iPod. Hope to stabilize soon. Lousy couple of weeks. Maybe more later.

Super Guy
(on the move)